5th L.W.M


SOIL: The term soil has various meanings, depending upon purpose and general field in which it is being considered. To an Agriculturist ----“Soil is substance existing on earth which provide habitat to plant where they grow up flourish”. It is source of nutrients and water for plant growth.
Soil is a thin layer of material present on earth’s surface in which plants have their roots. It is life supporting upper surface of earth, which is basis of all agriculture. Soil contains minerals and gravels from chemical and physical weathering of rocks, organic matter, micro-organism, insects, nutrients, water and air. Study of soil is called as PEDOLOGY.

SOIL PHYSICS: It is described as the branch of science, dealing with physical properties of soil, as well as with the measurements. Predictions and control of the physical process taking place in and through the soil.

SOIL FORMATION: Soil covers most of the land surface of earth in thin layer, ranging from a few centimeters to several meters deep. Soil is varying widely in composition and structure from place to place. They ae formed through weathering of rocks and minerals and breaking of organic matter. Weathering is the action of ice, wind, rain, sunlight (temperature) and biological processes on rocks. Which breaks them down into small particles. It can take 1000 years or more. Soil forms through a variety of soil formation processes, includes weathering rock “Parent Material” combined with dead and living organic matter and air. The parent material may be directly blow the soil, or great distance away if wind, or glaciers have transported the soil.

1-      Time:                         How long the soil has been forming.
2-      Parent material:           eg Rocks, alluvium.
3-      Biotic factors:              Plants, animals, microorganism
4-      Topography:                Slope position, aspect shape and amount
5-      Climate:                     Temperature, moisture and seasonal distribution.

COMPOSITION OF SOIL: Soil is composed of rocks and mineral particles of many sizes mixed with water, air and living things, both plant and animal and their remains. In an ideal soil, air and water fill the pore spaces, and compose about 50% of the volume, organic matter about 1 to 5 %, of the soil volume, and mineral matter accounts for the remaining 45 to 49 %.
The relative proportions of these four soil components vary with soil type and climatic conditions. The %age distribution of soil composition materials is given bellow.
In brief soil contains!
A-     40% - 50% minerals
B-      0 % - 10 % biological
1-      Flora and fauna
2-      Live and dead (organic matter)
3-      Macroscopic and microscopic
C-      50 % pore spaces
1-      Air
2-      Water
SOIL SEPARATES: Soil separates are mineral particles ranging b/w specified size limits. The larger sizes are describes as coarse; intermediate as medium, and the smaller as fine. The names and size limits of major categories of separates recognized are:

Soil separate

Equivalent diameter size (mm)

 > 2 mm
0.05-2 mm
Very course
1-2 mm         
 0.5 – 1 mm
0.25 0.5 mm
0.1– 0.25 mm
Very fine
0.5 – 0.1 mm
0.002 – 0.05 mm
 0.002 mm

SPECIFIC SURFACE AREA SOIL SEPARATES: The different soil separates have different surface areas. The surface area of soil can give insight understanding of several soil properties like fertility and water holding capacity. The smaller the particle size, the greater the total surface are in the given volume of soil. Therefore when comparing the three soil separates, clay has the greater surface area per gram, silt is second, and sand has the least. The greater the surface area of soil, the greater its capacity of holding water and nutrients is. A low total area is one of the primary reason why sandy soils tend to be drier and less fertile compared to finer textured soils. Think of a large boulder. It has a specific mass and a specific surface area. If you were to break up this boulder, it would it have the same mass, but the surface area would be greater. With each broken piece, more surface area is composed, and the sum of these individual surface area is greater than the intact boulder’s surface area. For example, if soil separate has spherical shape with radius “r” and particle density “ρ”, then Surface area (a) = 4πr2 and mass (m) = ρsV = ρs V = ρs (4πr3 /3) Specific surface area of aggregate (s) is therefore equal to = area/mass = a/m = 4πr2 / ρs(4πr3 /3) = 3/ ρr.

Thus specific area is inversely proportional to the radius of soil separate.

Specific surface area of soil particles
Diameter (cm)
Mass (g)
Area (cm2)
Specific surface area   (cm2/g)

SOIL TEXTURE: The proportion of the different size soil separates making up a soil determines its soil texture. It is soil property used to describe the relative proportions of the various soil separates in a soil. It has a large influence on water holding capacity, water conducting ability and chemical soil properties. It is determined by separating the amount of soil separates i.e. sand, silt and clay in a soil and determining the % of each. If these properties are known, a soil can be classified according to texture, using a texture triangle. The three sides of textural triangle represent increasing or decreasing percentages of sand, silt and clay particles. When the percent of sand, silt and clay are added together they equal 100%.

Textural Triangle

SOIL STRUCTURE: Soil Structure refers to the arrangement of soil separates into units called aggregates. An aggregate possesses solid and pore space. Aggregates are separated by plane of weakness and are dominated by clay particles. Silt and fine particles may also be a part of aggregate. The arrangement of soil aggregates into different forms give a soil its structure. The natural processes that aid in the formation of aggregates are wetting and drying, freezing and thawing, microbial activity that aids in the decay of organic matter, activity of roots and all animals, tillage etc. the term structure-less soil refers to some structure that do not have definite shapes such as single-grain soils (all particles act alone e.g., sand) and massive soils (all particles act such as a unit e.g., hardpan).
Soil structure classes are differentiated on the basis of their aggregate size, shape, arrangement etc. selected soil structure classes are:

1-      Platy: Soil structure that have long horizontal axes. They are generally flat, but may be curved upward. They are generally located at soil surface or parent material interface.

2-      Blocky: Soil structures that have cube like shapes with equal height, length and depth axes. Types of blocky structures are:
A-     Angular blocky: Has a sharp, distinct sides, corners and edges.
B-     Sub-angular blocky: has rounded sides, corners and edges.

3-      Spheroids: Soil structures that have round, spherical shapes. Types of spherical structures:
A-     Granular: hard can’t be crushed easily
B-     Crumb:     Soft, can be crumbled with hard pressure.

4-      Prismatic: Soil structures that have long vertical axes. Types of prismatic structures;
A-     Prism: have sharp corners, sides. Tops and bottoms.
B-     Columnar: have rounded, corners, sides, tops, and bottoms.

Granular and crumb structures are usually at the soil surface in the A horizon. The subsoil predominately the B horizon, has sub-angular blocky, blocky, columnar or prismatic structure. Platy structure can be found in the surface or subsoil while single grain and structure-less structure are most often associated with the C horizon.
Soil structure is sometimes describes as ‘weakly structure”, “well structured”, “good structure” or “bad structure” etc. The first two indicate the grade of structure development. The last two refer to qualities important to crop production. Structure, unlike texture, is modified by human practices.


1-Pore space: pores result from the irregular shape of soil particles or from pushing and aggregation forces. When pore space is very small, soil retain water and impede drainage, resulting in poor aeration. Pore size and pore space connectivity in form of micro joints is more important than total pore space.

2-Soil moisture / water content (Ɵm): soil moisture or water content (Ɵm) is a measure of the amount of water present in the soil. It is defined ratio of mass of water (Mw) in soil to the mass of dry soil particles (Ms). It is often referred as a gravimetric water moisture content.
                               Ɵm = Mw / MS × 100 (%)
The natural water content for mist soils would be well below 100%, but organic soils and some marine clay soil can have water contents greater than 100%.

 3-Volumetric Water Content (ƟV): Volumetric water or moisture content is measure of the volume of water resent in the soil. It is defined ratio of volume of water (VW) in soil to the total volume of sample (VT).
                                ƟV = VW / VT × 100 (%)
4-Void Ratio: (e)
It is defined as ratio of volume of voids (VV) to the volume of solids (VS)     . It can be expressed as:

                                                    e = Vv / V

5-Air Ratio (α)
It is defined as the ratio of volume of air to that of the solids. It has relevance to plant growth and engineering applications.
                                                    α = Va / Vs
6-Prosity: (n)
Soil porosity is the ratio of volume of voids (VV) to the total volume (VT) of soil sample.
                                                    n = VV / VT × 100 (%)

7-Air filled porosity: (na)
It refers to the ratio of volume of air-filled pores to that of total volume of sample.
                                                  na = Va / VT × 100 (%)
8-Degree of Saturation: (S)
The degree of saturation (S) is a measure of the void volume that is filled by water, expressed as a percentage ranging from 0 to 100. It is defined as:
                                                 S = VW / VV × 100 (%)
For a completely dry soil S=0%, and for a soil where the voids are completely filled with water (saturated soil) S = 100%. Soils below the water table are often saturated.

9-Unit weight: (ϒ)
Unit weight of a soil is simply the weight per unit volume. However, because of the different phases present in the soil, several forms of unit weight are used in soil physics.
1-      Bulk unit weight: (ϒb) The most common one is the bulk unit weight (ϒb), which is also known as total, wet or moist unit weight. It is the total  weight divided by the total volume, and is written as:
                                                         ϒb = WT / VT
2-      Dry unit weight: (ϒ) it is ratio of dry weight of soil to total volume of soil.
                                                               ϒd= WS / VT
3-      Soil Density: (ρ) Density is the ratio of mass and volume. It I commonly expressed in the units of g/cm3 and kg/m3. Density is defined an four ways as follows:

A-     Particle density (ρs): It is also called the true density, and is the ratio of mass of solid (MS) divided by the volume of solid (VS):

                                         ρs = MS / VS

Particle density of inorganic soils ranges from 2.6 to 2.8 g/cm3. Note that density of organic matter is about half of that of the inorganic mineral.

B-      Specific gravity: (G) Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of the density of material to that of water 40C and at Atmospheric Pressure. Since the density of water at standard temperature is unity, the specific gravity is numerically equal to density.
                                                     G = ρs / ρw
C-      Bulk density (ρb): It is also called the apparent density, and is the ratio of mass of solid (MS) and water (MW) to the total volume (VT). Its units are also that of mass/volume as g/cm3 or kg/m3.

                                                                             ρb = MT / VT = MS + MW / VS + VW + Va
                             Bulk density is always less than particle density b/c for bulk density the volume of                                 the
                             solids and the voids are considered.

D-     Dry density expresses the ratio of the mass of dried soil to its total volume.

                             ρd = MS / vT = Ms / VS+VW+Va

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