Friday, June 5, 2015


Irrigation: Irrigation is the artificial or natural arrangement of water to the soil or land for growing of plants .

Irrigation is of  following two types,

1-Artificial Arrangement (River and
 barrages system)

2-Natural Arrangement (Precipitation-rainfall, snow fall,
atmospheric moisture etc )

Irrigation plays a vital role in the increasing of economical efficiency of any country through agricultural activities.
Adoption of irrigation system in any country not only provides water to land but it is also responsible to employ the peoples at different levels according to their Qualification to perform their jobs.

Irrigation In Pakistan: Pakistan is basically an agricultural country. Its 73% area is under cultivation which depends on irrigation through canals and other resources like Tubewells, wells and Karez. In most parts annual rainfall is about 250 mm which is very low and of uncertain. Pakistan has the biggest canal system in the world. Their is wide spread networks of canals in Punjab and Sindh through headworks, Barrages and dams . There are few canals in balouchistan b/c there is no big river and land surface is uneven. The pat Feeder canal takes its water from the Indus river (in sindh). The lands are irrigated by Karez also.

There are 19 headworks and barrages and 38 big canals in Pakistan. Irrigation system system at Pakistan have two large and few small dams. 
Large dams are;
1-Mangla Dam  (Jhelum River)
2-Tarbela Dam (Indus River)

There are two types of canals; 
1- Perennial             (Flow through out the year)
2-Non-Perennial  (Flow only during the rainy season or at the time of floods ).

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